What it is/does
Office of the Public Guardian (OPG)
The Office of the Public Guardian supports and promotes decision-making for those who lack capacity or would like to plan for their future, within the framework of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
Department of Health (DH)
Responsibilities include setting health and social care policy in England. The Department’s work sets standards and drives modernisation across all areas of the NHS, social care and public health
Booklets and up-to-date information available
Department of Health and Social Care – GOV.UK
020 7210 4850
Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 3UG
Welsh Assembly Government
Develops policy and approves legislation that reflects the needs of the people of Wales
Action for Advocacy
A resource and support agency for the advocacy sector, information, training and advice
PO Box 31856, Lorrimore Square, London, SE17 3XR
Age Concern England
The UK’s largest organisation working to promote wellbeing of all older people. It provides vital services, information and support to thousands of older people – of all ages and backgrounds
Alzheimer’s Society
The UK’s leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers
A website providing independent information about a wide range of alternative dispute resolutions options, so that advisers and the general public can make an informed decision about how best to resolve a dispute
ASA Advicenow
An independent, not-for-profit website providing accurate, up-to-date information on rights and legal issues
British Medical Association (BMA)
BMA represents doctors from all branches of medicine all over the UK
T 020 7387 4499 | F 020 7383 6400
BMA House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP
Carers UK
Looks after family, partners or friends in need of help because they are ill, frail or have a disability
T 020 7566 7637 | F 020 7490 8824
20/25 Glasshouse Yard, London, EC1A 4JT
Citizens Advice Bureaux (CABx)
Help people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free information and advice
T 020 7833 2181
Myddelton House, 115-123 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9LZ20/25 Glasshouse Yard, London, EC1A 4JT
You can find your local CAB by visiting their website or looking under ‘Citizens Advice Bureaux’ in The Phone Book.
Community Legal Service Direct
CLS Direct is a free, confidential service to help people deal with their legal problems. Their website has a database of lawyers and a range of legal information leaflets
0845 345 4 345
Contact a Family
for parents and carers with a disabled child aged from birth to 25, living in any part of the UK.
Down’s Syndrome Association
Provides information and support for people with Down’s Syndrome, their families and carers, as well as being a resource for interested professionals
T 0845 230 0372 | F 0845 230 0373
Langdon Down Centre, 2a Langdon Park, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 9PS
Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
Works with people with learning disabilities, their families and those who support them to improve the quality of their lives and promotes the rights, quality of life and opportunities of people with learning disabilities and their families
020 7803 1100
Sea Containers House, 20 Upper Ground, London, SE1 9QB
Headway – the brain injury association
Promotes understanding of all aspects of brain injury; and provides information, support and services to people with a brain injury, their family and carers
0808 800 2244
4 King Edward Court Service, King Edward Street, Nottingham, NG1 1EW
Law Centres Federation
The national body for a network of community based Law Centres. Law Centres provide help in solving everyday problems, such as getting decent housing, dealing with discrimination, or obtaining the correct benefits
020 7387 8570
Duchess House, 18–19 Warren Street, London W1T 5LR.
Law Society
The regulatory and representative body for 116,000 solicitors in England and Wales
0870 606 6575
Charity working with people with learning disabilities, their families and carers
T e8b1′ font=’entypo-fontello’ style=” caption=” link=” linktarget=” size=’20px’ position=’left’ color=”][/av_font_icon]
020 7454 0454
123 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y ORT
Mental Health Foundation
A leading UK charity that provides information, carries out research, campaigns and works to improve services for anyone affected by mental health problems, whatever their age and wherever they live
Mental Health Lawyers Association
A professional association of mental health lawyers in England and Wales. Their website includes a database of lawyers
Leading mental health charity, working to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress. Provides information and support
National Autistic Society (NAS)
Champions the rights and interests of all people with autism and to ensure that they and their families receive quality services appropriate to their needs
National Care Association (NCA)
Represents the interests and provides services to support small and medium sized providers of social care in England and Wales
NICE transition guidelines
This guideline covers the period before, during and after a young person moves from children’s to adults’ services. It aims to help young people and their carers have a better experience of transition by improving the way it’s planned and carried out. It covers both health and social care.
The Care Quality Commission uses NICE guidelines as evidence to inform the inspection process.
The National Family Carer Network
A network that provides a focal point for issues affecting families that include an adult with a learning disability
National Family Carer Network (NFCN) – Hft
0117 930 2600
Merchants House, Wapping Road, Bristol, BS1 4RW
The National Family Carer Support Service
A network that provides support and information for family carers
0117 930 2608
Merchants House, Wapping Road, Bristol, BS1 4RW
Patient Concern
An organisation committed to promoting choice and empowerment for all health service users. Provides information to service users
The Relatives and Residents Association
An organisation for older people needing, or living in, residential care and the families and friends left behind. Offers support and information via a helpline
The national society for children and adults with learning disabilities and their families
0161 474 7323
Steven Jackson House, 31 Buxton Road, Heaviley, Stockport, SK2 6LS
Provides a range of services for both victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse who have learning disabilities and those who have been affected by other trauma. Their services extend to support and training for families, carers and professionals
020 7383 0700 | Fax 020 7387 1222
3rd Floor, 24-32 Stephenson Way, London, NW1 2HD
Disability organisation in England and Wales, whose focus is people with cerebral palsy
020 7619 7100
6 Market Road, London, N7 9PW
Charity providing specialist information, advice and services to deaf blind people, their families, carers and the professionals who work with them. Funded to develop training materials which address the advocacy issues for deaf blind people
0845 127 0060 | Fax 0845 127 0061 | Text 0845 127 0062
11-13 Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, London, N4 3SR
Sexuality Guidance and Standards
This well-illustrated guide, which is underpinned by standards has a number of short, useful sections with quotes from people with life-limiting conditions who contributed hugely to its development. It also includes case histories with discussion points, information about the law, lists of useful resources and guidance.
Solicitors for the Elderly
A national organisation of lawyers who are committed to providing independent legal advice for older people, their family and carers
Room 17, Conbar House, Mead Lane, Hertford, SG13 7AP
Together for Short lives
Offers a website with many options…
It offers an advocacy service which you will find under families helpline.
Under resources you will find guides and research to help you through transition informing you what you should expect from services around you – ‘Stepping Up’.
You may also wish to receive their family newsletter which offers advice and support. They have some interesting short films showing how families have received their support.
They have a section on transition where you will find regular transition times newsletters
They also have a range of information sheets e.g. The Mental Capacity Act
Turning Point
The UK’s leading social care organisation, providing services for people with complex needs, including those affected by drug and alcohol misuse, mental health problems and those with a learning disability
United Response
A national organisation creating opportunities and services with people with learning difficulties and people with mental health problems
020 8246 5200 | Fax 020 8780 9538 | Minicom 020 8785 1706
113-123 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, SW15 2TL